

原  文 510(k) Pre-market Notification is a type of regulatory application that's submitted by medical device manufacturers to the FDA.
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原  文 Hypoalbuminaemia is common in critically ill children with shock.
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原  文 During mumps infection, the virus is shed heavily in respiratory secretions.
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原  文 As SARS is a diagnosis of exclusion, the status of a reported case may change over time.
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原  文 A re-exposure to the offending allergens will often activate symptoms.
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原  文 During development, telomerase expression is extinguished after embryonic differentiation in most cells.
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原  文 The statistical associations were considered significant when the p-value was
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原  文 In early morning trading the Nikkei 225 average fell nearly 3 per cent.
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原  文 Circuits on semiconductor chips are manufactured by applying photoengraving technology.
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原  文 The detailed pattern (mask) for semiconductor devices is transferred onto a wafer, and with the use of a technique called 'etching' (corrosion), a pattern is drawn on the silicon surface using light or an electron beam.
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原  文 As for the wavelength of the light used, as miniaturization has progressed, light sources with ever-smaller wavelengths have been employed.
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原  文 The scanning probe microscope (SPM) is a new type of high-resolution microscope developed in the 1980s.
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原  文 The extremely fine explorer of the SPM enables viewing down to the molecular and atomic level of materials.
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原  文 Research is underway on the use of the SPM for microfabrication technology (lithography), microscopic circuit patterns are exposed and transferred onto a wafer.
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原  文 With this technology, a miniature pattern is pressed with a mold into a soft resin.
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原  文 Once the mold is made, all is ready-there is thus no need for the expensive light sources and electron guns, etc., required for conventional lithography.
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原  文 Today, thanks to the development of technology, a notebook personal computer has the same capabilities of a supercomputer just 10 years ago.
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原  文 Thanks to its electrical properties and its workability, silicon is the most widely used of the natural elements that can be used for semiconductors.
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原  文 Silicon is used to make diodes and transistors.
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原  文 Yet as semiconductors become ever smaller, at around 10 nanometers or less, even the addition of impurities will no longer change the properties of the silicon.
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原  文 What is needed is an element that can work even with a nano-scale leading wire.
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原  文 A candidate here is the nanowire, a single-electron element leading wire with a diameter of just several tens of nanometers.
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原  文 For the creation of the nanowire, various fabrication techniques are used.
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原  文 In one, metallic particles are grown from a core towards a specific direction, while in another, a molecular chain is grown with the use of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM).
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原  文 A semiconductor using completely new materials as alternatives for silicon.
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原  文 The organic compound semiconductor is anticipated for use as an alternative material for silicon.
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原  文 One such device is the organic transistor, which can be made into a very thin film and formed, to a large extent, into a desired shape.
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原  文 It appears that the organic transistor can also be used for next-generation thin-film displays and integrated circuit (IC) tags.
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原  文 Additionally, the carbon nanotube is also expected to be used in a transistors.
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原  文 Quantum dots are a technology that will enable completely new types of future computers.
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原  文 Smaller and smaller miniaturization of the semiconductor has thus far accelerated improvements in computers.
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原  文 Yet, sooner or later, semiconductor miniaturization is bound to run into a huge wall.
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原  文 In an ultra-small semiconductor, the electrons that flow through transistors will not only behave as particles, but also as waves.
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原  文 At this scale, the existence of the electron itself becomes merely a possibility, and the function whereby information can be clearly divided into a '1' or a '0' is no longer possible.
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原  文 Breaking through miniaturization barriers with the control of electron waves!
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原  文 A nanoelectronics technology that can control the behavior of electrons acting as waves, and thus break through the quantum barrier, is quantum dot technology.
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原  文 With this technology, an electron can be controlled by capturing it within a 'small box' (an electroconductive crystal) of the very small size of just several tens of nanometers.
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原  文 By changing the shape of this small box, one can also change the energy characteristics of the captured electron.
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原  文 Numerous possible applications have been proposed for quantum dots, and this technology will be essential in the support of the electronics field of the future.
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原  文 The most practical of these proposed applications is the quantum dot laser.
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原  文 This laser would have characteristics far superior to those of conventional lasers.
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原  文 they would not be temperature dependent, they would save energy, and enable high-speed transmissions over long distances, etc.
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原  文 The single-electron transistor is the ultimate transistor, as 'on' and 'off' can be controlled with the movements of a single electron.
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原  文 Thanks to the technological innovations of nanotechnology, it has become possible to make circuits using carbon nanotubes and other novel elements.
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原  文 Description of the basic structure of a single-electron transistor.
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原  文 A single-electron transistor has the same basic structure as an ordinary transistor:
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原  文 it is comprised of three terminals, a source electrode, a drain electrode, and a gate electrode.
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原  文 What is different is that, in the single-electron transistor, a quantum dot is placed at its center.
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原  文 The relative number of electrons within the quantum dot changes the gate voltage, and via the tunnel barrier, the number of electrons within the quantum dot can be increased or decreased, one electron at a time.
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原  文 When a single electron is in one or the other of the quantum dots, then the bit will show a '1' or a '0' accordingly.
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原  文 Since an electron may tunnel between the dots, the 'superposition' of a simultaneous state of '1' and '0' is also possible.
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原  文 Highly efficient electrical power generation with energy resource consumption held to a minimum, and the development new energies not yet in widespread use.
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原  文 New nanomaterials are being developed with the aim of clean environments for people and our Earth, and a safe and comfortable society.
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原  文 Creation of clean energies as alternatives to depleting oil resources.
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原  文 Today, we are largely dependent on oil and other fossil fuels as our energy sources.
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原  文 Before we use up all the rest of these fossil fuels, it is essential that we find new energy sources (new energies) as alternatives.
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原  文 It is nanotechnology and materials technologies that will truly enable us to make practical these new energies, including solar power, wind power, biomass, hydrogen energy, and other new energy sources.
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原  文 Mass production of fuel cells using the new energy, hydrogen.
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原  文 If hydrogen and oxygen are made to react to create water, energy is released.
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原  文 The fuel cell is an application of that principle.
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原  文 Yet despite the simplicity of this principle, a barrier exists to its widespread diffusion.
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原  文 Hydrogen is potentially explosive, and therefore dangerous.
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原  文 In addition, the platinum used to catalyze this reaction is rare and expensive.
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原  文 To break through these barriers, the capabilities of nanotechnology and materials technology can be utilized.
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原  文 If we could convert all of the energy of the sunlight that falls onto Earth, then just one hour of sunlight irradiation would provide enough energy to meet the entire world's needs for a whole year.
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原  文 Japan is the world's leader in photovoltaic energy diffusion, and its products account for 50% of the global share of this market.
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原  文 Nevertheless, converting sunlight into energy is not an easy task, and with present technologies, the efficiency in which light is converted into electricity (conversion efficiency) is a mere few percentage points.
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原  文 The single crystal silicon chiefly in use today have the defects of being opaque (black), hard, and having limitations in terms of where they can be set in place.
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原  文 Nanotechnology and materials technology can be used to overcome these defects.
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原  文 If the dye-sensitized solar cell (which is made by mixing nanoscale microscopic particles with dyes) is realized, then solar batteries could be applied (i.e., set in place) virtually anywhere.
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原  文 Attempts are now underway to boost the energy-conversion efficiency of solar batteries to the limits, through the creation of thin-film solar battery materials, and via the use of nanoparticles and quantum nanostructures.
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原  文 Carbon nanotubes and fullerenes-truly 'dream' materials-are the focus of interest in all kinds of industries.
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原  文 The advantages of these materials are numberless, and hopes are high for the development of numerous practical applications using them.
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原  文 the focus of interest in medicine, cosmetics, and a host of other fields.
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原  文 Both fullerenes and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are formed solely of carbon atoms.
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原  文 The fullerene has a basket-like shape, which the CNT has a cylindrical shape.
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原  文 Both of these are carbon molecules that represent the best of nanotechnology, and their application within industry is nearing the practical stages.
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原  文 Fullerenes have more than just their beautiful shape.
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原  文 They also have many superior properties, including high strength, superconductivity, optical absorbency, electrical-low-heat conductivity, etc.
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原  文 These properties mean that expectations are high for their application as all kinds of catalysts, as magnetic materials, as electronics parts, and so on.
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原  文 Research is underway on the use of fullerenes as agents to inhibit the proliferation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the cause of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).
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原  文 Water-soluble fullerenes can enter the molecular structure of the HIV, and stop its internal workings.
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原  文 The use of fullerenes in cosmetics and in superconductive materials, etc., is also undergoing intensive research.
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原  文 Carbon nanotubes, innovative materials made in Japan, realizing the dreams of a better society in the future.
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原  文 The CNT is several ten times stronger than steel, yet lighter than aluminum.
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原  文 It is resistant to bending and heat, etc., and CNT applications are anticipated in a variety of fields.
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原  文 The application currently with the highest hopes of practical realization is that of the field emission display (FED).
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原  文 If CNTs can be used as FED electron emission materials, then low power-consumption emissions will become possible.
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原  文 With CNT materials, the FED will also have high durability, with long-term operation possible.
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原  文 Titanium Dioxide (TiO2; also called 'titanium oxide') is chiefly used as a photocatalyst.
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二酸化チタン(また、TiO2 : 「酸化チタン」と云われた)は、主に光触媒を用いる。
原  文 In fact, titanium dioxide-an ordinary material-can be found in many products used in our daily lives, in foodstuffs, cosmetics, paints, textiles, rubber, paper, and so on.
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原  文 They are used for anti-dirt and grease protection, for their antimicrobial effects, and as deodorants.
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原  文 These properties are due to two types of photoactive reactions:
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原  文 By combining these two reaction types, a variety of functions can be realized.
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原  文 The oxidative decomposition reaction breaks down a variety of organic materials.
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原  文 The result is the disappearance of miscellaneous germs and bacteria, the prevention of dust or dirt accumulation, and the prevention of bad smells.
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原  文 The super-hydrophilic effects ensure that water on the titanium dioxide surface does not change into water droplets, but rather spreads uniformly over the surface.
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原  文 Since this water is located between the surface and any dirt that becomes attached to that surface, one can easily remove that dirt from the TiO2 surface.
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原  文 Photocatalyst functions are applied in a variety of fields, and their use has become more and more widespread.
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原  文 More than anything else, what makes photocatalysts so attractive to use is their laborsaving cleansing capabilities.
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原  文 Figure 1 shows an example of photocatalysts used on the outer walls of an apartment building.
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原  文 The application of photocatalysts on exterior building walls means that the beauty of those walls can be preserved, naturally, over a long period of time.
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原  文 Although photocatalysts are superior materials, they do have a weak point.
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原  文 As this is the ultraviolet wavelength band, TiO2 hence does not function as a photocatalyst when a tungsten light bulb or fluorescent lamp is used.
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原  文 A major issue for the future, then, is the development of materials that will sufficiently function as photocatalysts in indoor environments.
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原  文 Currently, improvements are underway, for example, by adding small amounts of hydrogen and a platinum complex to TiO2, etc.
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原  文 In the field of nanotechnology/materials, new materials are being created, one after another, with Japan's own unique technologies.
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原  文 As a representative example, here will be introduced the new material, 'nanoglass,' which has been made possible by nano-level structure control.
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代表例として、ここで、新素材(「nanoglass」 : ナノレベルでの構造制御によって可能にされた)を展開するだろう。
原  文 Glass can replace silicon, thanks to the power of nanotechnology.
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原  文 It is said that humans first discovered and used glass during the Mesopotamian civilization of ancient times.
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原  文 Glass can be easily worked using heat, and it has the feature of strong resistance to various chemicals.
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原  文 For these reasons, today it is employed not only as window glass, etc., it is also widely used for optical fiber and in other high-tech applications.
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原  文 It is thus thought to be unsuitable for uses in ultra-small domains such as electronic materials, etc.
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原  文 Thanks to nanotechnology applications, however, the latent advantages of glass are being developed in astounding ways.
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原  文 Glass has an amorphous structure, meaning that its atoms are not arranged in a regular way, such as the atoms are in a crystal.
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原  文 Glass can be crystallized, however, by subjecting it to a femtosecond laser.
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原  文 The femtosecond laser can be used to change the glass structure so that it has changed properties, too, including a changed index of refraction or other scientifi c property.
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屈折の変更された索引あるいは他のscientifi cのプロパティを含めて、特性(も)を変更したようにガラス構造を変えるために、フェムト秒レーザーを用いることができる。
原  文 This makes possible the creation of ultra-lightweight and super-strong glass.
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原  文 And that means hitherto-unimagined novel applications for electronic materials.
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原  文 Because it is difficult to control light, the use of glass as an optical device is limited to glass in twodimensional forms, and even further care is required for precision temperature control.
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原  文 If a femtosecond laser is used, however, then within glass material, a three-dimensional circuit can be formed in literally a moment.
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原  文 As a result, compared to a current optical device, the weight -and the price- is cut to 1/1000th of the original weight and price, while the speed of the device is increased 1,000-fold.
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原  文 HTML5 defines the fifth major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web, HTML.
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HTML5は、World Wide Web, HTMLの言語のコアの第5抜本的な見直しを規定する。
原  文 This document may not provide accurate information as the HTML5 specification is still actively in development.
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原  文 A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.
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原  文 HTML has been in continuous evolution since it was introduced to the Internet in the early 1990s.
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原  文 The HTML5 draft reflects an effort, started in 2004, to study contemporary HTML implementations and deployed content.
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原  文 Defines a single language called HTML5 which can be written in HTML syntax and in XML syntax.
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原  文 Defines detailed processing models to foster interoperable implementations.
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原  文 The contents of HTML5, as well as the contents of this document which depend on HTML5, are still being discussed on the HTML Working Group and WHATWG mailing lists.
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原  文 HTML5 is defined in a way that it is backwards compatible with the way user agents handle deployed content.
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原  文 User agents, however, will always have to support these older elements and attributes and this is why the HTML5 specification clearly separates requirements for authors and user agents.
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原  文 For instance, this means that authors cannot use the isindex or the plaintext element, but user agents are required to support them in a way that is compatible with how these elements need to behave for compatibility with deployed content.
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原  文 Since HTML5 has separate conformance requirements for authors and user agents there is no longer a need for marking features 'deprecated'.
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原  文 A test suite will be used to measure completeness of the implementations.
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原  文 This approach differs from previous versions of HTML, where the final specification would typically be approved by a committee before being actually implemented.
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原  文 The goal of this change is to ensure that the specification is implementable, and usable by authors once it is finished.
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原  文 Documents using the HTML syntax are almost always served with the text/html media type.
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原  文 HTML5 also defines detailed parsing rules (including 'error handling') for this syntax which are largely compatible with popular implementations.
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原  文 User agents must use these rules for resources that have the text/html media type.
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原  文 HTML5 also defines a text/html-sandboxed media type for documents using the HTML syntax.
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HTML5は、またHTMLの構文を使用している文書でテキスト/ HTML-sandboxedメディアタイプを定義する。
原  文 This syntax is compatible with XHTML1 documents and implementations.
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原  文 Documents using this syntax need to be served with an XML media type and elements need to be put in the http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml namespace following the rules set forth by the XML specifications.
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原  文 Below is an example document that conforms to the XML syntax of HTML5.
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原  文 Note that XML documents must be served with an XML media type such as application/xhtml+xml or application/xml.
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原  文 For the HTML syntax of HTML5, authors have three means of setting the character encoding:
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原  文 By using the HTTP Content-Type header for instance.
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例としてHTTP Content-Typeヘッダーを使用することによって。
原  文 Using a Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character at the start of the file.
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原  文 This character provides a signature for the encoding used.
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原  文 For the XML syntax, authors have to use the rules as set forth in the XML specifications to set the character encoding.
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原  文 The HTML syntax of HTML5 requires a DOCTYPE to be specified to ensure that the browser renders the page in standards mode.
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原  文 The DOCTYPE has no other purpose and is therefore optional for XML.
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原  文 Documents with an XML media type are always handled in standards mode.
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原  文 DOCTYPEs from earlier versions of HTML were longer because the HTML language was SGML-based and therefore required a reference to a DTD.
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原  文 With HTML5 this is no longer the case and the DOCTYPE is only needed to enable standards mode for documents written using the HTML syntax.
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原  文 The HTML syntax of HTML5 allows for MathML and SVG elements to be used inside a document.
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原  文 HTML now has native support for IRIs, though they can only be fully used if the document encoding is UTF-8 or UTF-16.
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原  文 This section is split up in several subsections to more clearly illustrate the various differences there are between HTML4 and HTML5.
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原  文 It can be used together with the h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 elements to indicate the document structure.
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原  文 nav represents a section of the document intended for navigation.
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原  文 Both provide an API so application authors can script their own user interface, but there is also a way to trigger a user interface provided by the user agent.
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原  文 source elements are used together with these elements if there are multiple streams available of different types.
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原  文 bdi represents a span of text that is to be isolated from its surroundings for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting.
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原  文 keygen represents control for key pair generation.
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原  文 The idea of these new types is that the user agent can provide the user interface, such as a calendar date picker or integration with the user's address book, and submit a defined format to the server.
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原  文 It gives the user a better experience as his input is checked before sending it to the server meaning there is less time to wait for feedback.
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原  文 HTML5 has introduced several new attributes to various elements that were already part of HTML4:
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原  文 The meta element has a charset attribute now as this was already widely supported and provides a nice way to specify the character encoding for the document.
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原  文 Using this feature should enhance the user experience as the user can turn it off if the user does not like it, for instance.
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原  文 The input and textarea elements have a new attribute named dirname that causes the directionality of the control as set by the user to be submitted as well.
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原  文 The input and button elements have formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, and formtarget as new attributes.
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原  文 The script element has a new attribute called async that influences script loading and execution.
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原  文 The html element has a new attribute called manifest that points to an application cache manifest used in conjunction with the API for offline Web applications.
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原  文 The contenteditable attribute indicates that the element is an editable area.
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原  文 The user can change the contents of the element and manipulate the markup.
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原  文 The contextmenu attribute can be used to point to a context menu provided by the author.
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原  文 The only requirement on these attributes is that they are not used for user agent extensions.
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原  文 The hidden attribute indicates that an element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant.
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原  文 The spellcheck attribute allows for hinting whether content can be checked for spelling or not.
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原  文 Specifically the example in HTML4 where it is used to mark up the name of a person is no longer considered conforming.
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原  文 For the label element the browser should no longer move focus from the label to the control unless such behavior is standard for the underlying platform user interface.
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原  文 The menu element is redefined to be useful for toolbars and context menus.
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原  文 The s element now represents contents that are no longer accurate or no longer relevant.
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原  文 The small element now represents side comments such as small print.
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原  文 The strong element now represents importance rather than strong emphasis.
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原  文 The value attribute for the li element is no longer deprecated as it is not presentational.
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原  文 The border attribute on table only allows the values '1' and the empty string.
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原  文 The following attributes are allowed but authors are discouraged from using them and instead strongly encouraged to use an alternative solution:
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原  文 The width and height attributes on img and other elements are no longer allowed to contain percentages.
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原  文 User agents will still have to support them and various sections in HTML5 define how.
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原  文 E.g. the obsolete isindex element is handled by the parser section.
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例: 時代遅れのisindex要素は、パーサ部によって扱われる。
原  文 The following elements are not in HTML5 because their effect is purely presentational and their function is better handled by CSS:
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原  文 The following elements are not included because they have not been used often, created confusion, or their function can be handled by other elements:
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原  文 isindex usage can be replaced by usage of form controls.
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原  文 Some attributes from HTML4 are no longer allowed in HTML5.
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原  文 In addition, HTML5 has none of the presentational attributes that were in HTML4 as their functions are better handled by CSS:
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原  文 HTML5 introduces a number of APIs that help in creating Web applications.
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原  文 These can be used together with the new elements introduced for applications.
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原  文 An API for playing of video and audio which can be used with the new video and audio elements.
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原  文 API that exposes the history and allows pages to add to it to prevent breaking the back button.
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原  文 HTML5 has extended the HTMLDocument interface from DOM Level 2 HTML in a number of ways.
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原  文 The way this method is defined will allow it to work for any content with class attributes and a Document object such as SVG and MathML.
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原  文 This attribute was previously only available on HTMLElement in Web browsers and not part of any standard.
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原  文 It is also defined to work in XML context (when it is used in an XML document).


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